Mon - Fri: 09:00 - 18:00 | Sat: 09:00 - 17:00 | Sun & Public Holidays: 09:00 - 15:00
This imprint was last updated on May 26, 2023.
The owner of this website is:
Mimosa Mall Pty (Ltd)
131 Kellner Street
South Africa
Phone number: (051) 444-6914
VAT ID: 4090251382
1.1 We are registered at SAPOA, SACSC, PPRA, POPIA under the license or registration number:
We are not willing or obliged to participate in dispute resolution procedures before a consumer arbitration board.
Clearly marked Moms & Tots parking bays are situated near the entrances on the Basement, Green and Orange Parking Levels. These parking bays offer a wider berth and are specially designed to accommodate prams.
These parking bays are reserved for persons with disabilities and are located on all 6 covered parking levels and the open parking area (next to Melville Drive).
To make use of our free parking period, take a parking ticket at the boom upon entry, validate free parking at the pay station and insert the ticket at the exit boom when you leave.
For enquires call 051 444 3397